Advertising Tip

Measure your Leads

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Measure your Leads​

Once you’ve created and launched your ad campaign, do you track where your sales are coming from to see if it’s working? If not, why? 

The best way to measure if the money you’ve invested into any advertising campaign is to track its success. There are a few ways which you can do this:

Ask your customer at the time of sale or transaction, how they heard about you or your product. This is an easy way to do it if your staff are trained to ask and record the information when an answer is given. Ensure you’re specific with suitable answers so when your team asks your customers they can provide you with the right answers. Providing your team and customers with a direct list of answers will ensure you’re provided with accurate information. For example: School Newsletters; Google Search; Facebook; Customer Referral.

Create a specific landing page. This is the easiest way to digitally track your ad campaign. Specific landing pages can be set up with a unique URL that allows your website to track your visitor statistics. Some websites even provide full reporting facilities to follow the success of your sales funnel from start to finish.

Use a specific referral or discount code. Encourage customers to quote or enter a specific code that you’ve included in your ad design during the booking or purchase process. Tracking codes will give you a quick identifier of where your customers are coming from. You can total the value of sales or bookings associated with the code to quickly identify the return on investment for your campaign.

Use your website or Google analytics. If you’re still not sure refer to your website analytics. Most sites will have their analytics systems to trace visitor and click information. Google also has a full analytics system that can be integrated with your website to help track this information. This option is a little trickier if you’re not sure what you’re looking for but if you have an IT person or an individual who manages your site ask them to provide you with a report.

It’s important to always understand where your customers came from and why. There’s no point investing chunks of your revenue into any advertising campaigns if you can’t measure your return on investment.

Use your advertising and marketing budget wisely. Target your direct audience effectively and efficiently. If you’re not seeing a return on your investment don’t be afraid to change the campaign, change the ad design or move to a different form of advertising altogether. Don’t invest in what doesn’t work for you! 

If you need further assistance with planning your next ad campaign, design or branding, feel free to call us or email us for a chat. Our team of professionals can help you reach your advertising goals. 

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QAssure Number: 11954 | Accredited GITC Supplier: Q-6019 | ABN 24 010 367 478

Advertising Tip

Email Remains King!

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Email Remains King!​

Email communication has consistently evolved over its lifetime to become one of the most reliable forms of direct marketing. Here’s why…

Email Marketing is Direct! We even said this in the title. It has become a digital one on one conversation with your audience and clients about your product or service.     

Emails can be Tailored! Regardless of who you want to target, their physical location, time zone or preferences, each email can be customised for a specific reason. Not everyone likes or wants the same thing.      

Test & Preview is Easy! Why not try a new template design, incorporate a video file or add a catalogue button? Whatever and however you want your direct marketing to look and feel, emails can be previewed and tested before they’re deployed. This is perfect when you’re not 100% sure of your new design.      

Embed Buttons & Catalogues! Sending direct digital marketing allows you to place the button for what you’d like your client to do right in their face. Get them to shop your sale by clicking a button (they don’t need to Google it themselves); get them to book online so they don’t need to call you and wait on hold.     

Simplified! No matter what platform or email party you choose to use for email communication, customising, scheduling, deployment, adding in digital components and tracking click rates have made this is the simplest form of direct marketing. Most of the time all you need to do is upload your subscribers or recipients, select a template and start entering your message. 

Honestly, the list is endless. The more you use email marketing, the more you’ll notice the benefits and direct return on investment (ROI). 

This is why our ePublisher Communication Platform used by Australian and New Zealand schools experiences overall success. Not only does it provide the schools with digital tools to communicate with parents, staff, students and community members directly and effectively; but it also provides digital advertising opportunities for local businesses and companies who are seeing long term return on investment and success.

If you need further assistance with email marketing, advertising or digital communication, feel free to call us or email us for a chat. Our team of professionals can help you achieve your communication and marketing goals. 

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Copyright Australian Newsletter Services Pty Ltd 2016-2021 | Advertising Terms & Conditions | All Rights Reserved
QAssure Number: 11954 | Accredited GITC Supplier: Q-6019 | ABN 24 010 367 478


Austnews, who are we?

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Austnews, who are we?​

Austnews (short for Australian Newsletter Services) is a communication service schools use to connect with their families, students, staff and local community. 

Since 1978, Austnews has been an Australian family owned and operated business providing hundreds of schools across Australia, and now New Zealand, with newsletter templates, printing and stationery services.   With the ever changing world of technology our business model is continually evolving to provide schools with the latest technology and deliver a superior digital service known as ePublisher.

The Austnews team is comprised of dedicated professionals with a continued vision to innovate, design and build bespoke communication tools to maintain an open gateway between the school classroom and the family home. We are teachers, marketers, graphic designers, programmers and parents who understand the importance and value of communication and its role in education. 

Where does Austnews Advertising fit into all of this? 

Austnews supplies schools with newsletters and communication services for free, thanks to the small business, companies and large corporations who choose to advertise. The advertising fee these businesses pay covers the ongoing design, print, hosting and tech support costs required to keep these tools relevant and available. Some might even say their advertising is a form of sponsorship and ongoing community support for their local school. 

Over the past 42 years, we have seen several thousand Australian and International businesses advertise with Austnews to not only show their support but also reach their target audience in the most direct form possible – straight into their households and email addresses. 

Where to start? 

If you’re looking to support your local school or schools within your region get in touch with us. With a dedicated team of professional advertising consultants, your enquiry will be answered promptly. 

Not sure what you’re after? 

That’s ok, we can work with you to see what your best fit is. We offer a range of branding and campaign focused advertisement packages all inclusive of free graphic design services. Why not check out our current campaigns and promotions to help get you started? 

Want to know more?

Follow us on Facebook for the latest tips, schools, promotions and updates or view our websites listed below to help you better understand how Austnews Advertising can benefit your business and your school. 

We look forward to working with you!

Austnews – Make Better Connections
Austnews Advertising – Connecting School Communities
ePublisher – Communication Platform

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Copyright Australian Newsletter Services Pty Ltd 2016-2021 | Advertising Terms & Conditions | All Rights Reserved
QAssure Number: 11954 | Accredited GITC Supplier: Q-6019 | ABN 24 010 367 478