Why Not Animate?
“Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive” – Walt Disney
Bring attention to your advertisement with animation.
Last year we discussed the necessity to stand out from the rest. It was all about understanding your point of difference in a sea of advertisers selling and marketing the same thing you are.
Once you’ve figured out what your differences and target point of your campaign is, we suggest adding animation. There are many benefits to animating your ad, we’ve listed a few below.
The animation holds the attention of your immediate audience. Have you ever opened a webpage and scrolled past a whole bunch of “boring” including text, but stopped on a stand out image or an eye-catching motion? The placement and arrangement of that image, ad or animation were deliberate. It did exactly what it was supposed to. That’s what you need to do when designing your stand out ad.
Animations can evoke a stronger emotional connection to your ad. This means, your audience has a better chance of relating to your product or understanding their need for your product. You can convey emotional and physical connections through animation.
Animations simplify your ad. Less text, less instruction, less panic of getting everything you need in a tight design. Use the animation transitions to get your message across deliberately. Use targeted words, specific imaging and a direct call to action. Animations allow you to converse with your audience rather than instructing them.
Animations invite your audience to interact. If they’re interested they’ll stop and see what your message to them is. Giving them time to connect with your brand, product, service and of course your deliberate message. However, don’t make the animation any longer than around 5 seconds. The attention span drop and the need to scroll past your ad will increase the longer your animation takes to communicate.
While it might seem simple to plan your campaign, seeking advice and help from a professional designer or advertising consultant will benefit you long term. There’s plenty of professionals out there who live and breathe graphic design and advertising. Once you’ve found the right person, creating your visual message will be an easy process. They’ll help you think big; think bright; think animated!
If you need further assistance with your ad design or branding, feel free to call us or email us for a chat. Our graphic designer can help you achieve your goals and leads.
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